Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Final Interview

The final interview went pretty much as I expected it to today. It took about 40 minutes in all, and my placement officer asked me questions about what I'd done to prepare for service, what I expected when I got there, etc. She also commented on something I mentioned in my interview last year in Chicago, which was crazy. She must have to go through so much information to make sure people are suitable!

In the end, she just said that it would take around 10 days for the invite to reach me. She said it would be for Africa in early June. I hope not too early, because I still want to go on vacation to Florida in June! But I'll leave whenever they want me to, of course.

The whole last five minutes of it, when she was talking about the invitation, I was just grinning and saying, "Uh huh, ok!"

I was really excited when I finished, and I sort of wanted someone to talk to about it, but Michelle wasn't answering her phone, so I texted Sara but she was in class. So I posted on the Future Volunteers Facebook group and they were all excited for me. That page has been such a help!

Going to Africa means I will be much less likely to have electricity and other amenities. I named this hardship as the thing I'm most worried about in my service, and my placement officer said that was normal, and that it would probably turn out to be the easiest thing to get used to.

I thought about leaving my computer and phone behind, and I actually felt a bubble of glee rise up in me! Then I thought about my ipod....

My ipod! I never thought about having to leave my ipod behind!

If I don't have electricity, it makes sense that I can't have things that have to charge. My camera, sure, I can just use it sparingly and charge it when I'm in the city. But my ipod! To not have music at my disposal...that's something I just hadn't considered before!

I just can't leave it behind. I won't. I'll hope for the best and charge it when I has like 48 hours of battery life when it just plays music, so maybe if I use it sparingly I can get by with charging it once a month. Maybe it will just make listening to it all the sweeter.

I've thought about a lot of random things like this in the last few weeks, so maybe I'll start rambling about them while I wait for my invitation to arrive!

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